HomeWhich of the Following is Not Used in Developing WebsitesWeb DesignWhich of the Following is Not Used in Developing Websites

Which of the Following is Not Used in Developing Websites

As far as designing websites is concerned, developers apply diverse technologies and languages in order to design competent and qualitative websites. In this article, we will focus on four key technologies: The main formats are the following ones: XML, KML, DHTML, and HTML. We will discuss each of these technologies in detail and answer the question, “Which of the following is not used in developing websites?  What is the most suitable choice for Geographic Markup Language out of the following options: A) XML, B) KML, C) DHTML, D) HTML?

It is also important to know that the process does not stop at selecting a domain name; thus, in this article, an attempt is made to explain the general steps of the process. As for the sums of the development stages, they typically number from five to eight, but each time, the general view remains similar. Let’s choose the average value and look at the following seven steps of web development: In the development process, the steps will be Information Gathering, Planning, Design, Content Writing and Assembly, Coding, Testing, Review, and Launch, and of course, Maintenance.

Importance of Web Development?

Is it not shocking that in this world that we are a part of, there are more than Five and a half billion people?  How many people are connected through the Internet 30 billion? That is 3. 5 billion people, which is far more than half of the people on our planet, who actively use this digital world to conduct research, connect with others, learn new things, and be entertained. 

Since using the Internet is a modern trend, and the number of users is increasing every day, web development is a dynamically developing field. By 2030, the employment rate of web developers is projected to experience 13 percent growth, which is far more than the growth of the technology profession. This is indeed a perfect time to be in this field, and I feel privileged to be working in such an industry.

Website Development Timeline

It makes sense if the two key factors on which your mind circulates every time you plan to build a website are price and time. To derive these two values, we are, in most cases, in a position to estimate the size and scope of the project. To describe the tasks for specific development phases or to indicate the tasks for the overall website development process, to synchronize the workflow timeframe, and to plan the work of the team members, there are some graphical and easily comprehensible tools called project management software. Some of the common ones are as follows: Kanban, Gantt charts, calendars, user story mapping, time tracking, reports, and a host of others. This is the best tool to use for documenting how you are implementing your project and monitoring progress with respect to the set timelines.

Website Development Life Cycle

Depending on the plan you devise to launch your website, there are many chores your team must accomplish in order to design and build the right website capable of attracting customers. That is why, to guarantee that all IT activities will be completed as soon as possible, many companies have ordered cooperation with IT staffing companies and have a separate team of developers for their in-house team. Some people attempt to manage a website on their own. However, in any case, the entire life cycle of such development will require time and money; therefore, it is worth considering how to develop a website and what must be done.

Step 1. Gathering Information: Freedom, Main Objectives, and Consumers

The stage of identifying and investigating defines how further actions will be held. Agile can be applied to any development process and is therefore used in web application development, software development, and other forms of development. At this point, the main task is to determine your future website’s purposes, major objectives, and the target audience you want to address on your website. Thus, having all the necessary data at hand, it will be possible to create an optimal account of the further necessary actions or future project management strategy. Therefore, there is an ability to define the project and the important aspects like the functionality of your website, the tasks to give to subscribers, the time and the sphere of activity, the financial conditions, etc.

Step 2. Planning: Sitemap and WireFrame Creation

At this stage of the website development cycle, the developer produces information that enables a customer to determine what the website will look like.  Thus, based on the type of links, the sitemap specifically identifies the relationships between the various sections of your platform. Such representation could help estimate to what extent the final product would be usable. It can also reveal the “connection” between different pages and, therefore, estimate how easy it is to locate the needed information or service if the end-user enters from the homepage. The creation of sitemaps is mainly aimed at developing an easily navigable website that meets the expectations of users.

Step 3. Design: Page Layout, Review, and Approval Cycle

The layout of your site is given during the design phase. It is where all the images, photos, videos, and similar visual products are developed. Again, all the information that was collected in the first phase is important.

It is a product that a designer arrives at in the course of their practice, specifically in the creation of the website layout. It does not necessarily have to be a graphic sketch of the design; it may be the actual graphic design. The primary layout objective is to act as the primary structural model, communicate the information structure, and showcase the basic characteristics of the content. Layouts keep colors, logos, and images and could afford a basic feeling of the eventual product. In such situations, corporations opt for help from outsourcing UI/UX designers, aiming to get the best result in a shorter amount of time.

Step 4. Content Writing and Assembly

Quite often, content writing and compiling intersect with other phases of the creation of the website, and its significance cannot be overestimated. Now, it becomes crucial to write down the very message’s essence, which is to be delivered to the target audience and is a call to action. Content writing also includes such procedures as the creation of catchy headlines, proofreading, writing new blocks of text, etc, which also costs time and effort. In general, the client agrees to deliver web content for the migration to the site in a ready-made form. Ideally, it is preferable when all the content is made available prior to or at the time of coding.

Step 5. Coding

This is when you can start the site creation properly. Web content that has been prepared during the previous phases of the current project is employed at this stage to create an actual website. Typically, the first page that is designed is the home page, and all the other pages that are located in a subtype of the web page are developed next based on the hierarchy indicated in the previous sitemap. The selected frameworks and CMS are introduced to ensure that the installation and set-up can be completed as effortlessly as possible on the server; if not, then the ready-made solutions [such as Plesk] can be used. 

Step 6. Testing, Review, and Launch

Probably the most mundane of all activities is in testing software or a website. Each link presented has to be checked in order to avoid having a number of broken links among them. Scan through each written material and each script, and there is a list for you to input. Run spell check to look for misspelled words. Visit web standards to see whether the code you have used is up to date with the current web standards. Firstly, a valid code is needed, for instance, if the cross-browser problem is critical to you.  An FTP (File Transfer Protocol) software is used for that purpose.

Step 7. Maintenance: Analyzing the Opinions of the Staff and Frequent Updating

The feedback option that you will include on the site will enable you to identify certain difficulties the end-users are bound to encounter. Thus, the most important action, in this particular case, is to start solving it as quickly as possible. If not, one day, your users will prefer to go to another website to avoid all the hassle created by the inconvenience. 

Another important thing is to maintain the current status of your site. If you engage a CMS, make frequent updates to avoid bugs and lower security vulnerabilities. To be sure that there will be fewer of them, you can opt for custom software development services offered by outsourcing companies. In this case, one will be guaranteed that professionals and your team have developed a website or s, software focus will n other projects.

Which of the following is not used in developing websites






HTML is an acronym for HyperText Markup Language and is widely used to write web page documents. It establishes the layout of a given web page by horizontally aligning the contents by providing different tags for the parts, such as headings, paragraphs, images, and links, among others. HTML is used when setting up a website and is one of the most fundamental aspects of website development.


The XML is a derivative of an SGML and is known as the eXtensible Markup Language. It is a generalized markup language for the storage and transport of data. HTML, to some extent, is concerned with the layout of the data, while XML is basically concerned with the layout of the data. It is also widely used to transfer data from one system to another or from one platform to another.


DHTML is an acronym that expands to Dynamic HyperText Markup Language; it is, therefore, a combination of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. DHTML provides one with the ability to have animated application interfaces and modify the content of web pages as well as the presentation in real time. It is normally used to build animations, and dropdown menus, and any other dynamic features on the website.


KML is an acronym for Keyhole Markup Language, and these are XML-based languages that are used to display geographic data on map applications. Application of the KML The KML is extensively used, covering Google Earth and Google Maps, which activates overlays and reasonable display of geographic data. It enables the developers to enhance features such as placemarks, paths, and polygons for better use in maps.


After discussing each of the technologies in detail, it is clear that HTML is not used in developing websites: A)XML, B) KML, C) DHTML, and D)HTML. HTML is the fundamental language used to build websites; nonetheless, XML, DHTML, and KML are used for data storage, dynamic web development, and mapping applications, in particular. This paper aims to provide developers with a guide to basic technologies behind the web to enable them to distinguish the technologies appropriate for a given task and develop an enjoyable website for users.

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